Great skin care made simple! Remember GRASS. Patients, as consumers are bewildered and assaulted by the cosmeceutical industry. The choices are so overwhelming that they are intimidated and often do nothing instead. The truth is, like exercise something is better than nothing, but great looking skin is as simple to remember as GRASS. The basic approach is:
Growth factors. Apply these first twice a day. These are a large molecule and should go on first to penetrate the skin.
Retinal. This should be the second component of every skin care and is available in a lot of forms and strengths.
Antioxidants. Most commonly vitamin C but others are good also such as E, alpha lipoic acid, and green tea extract.
Specialty treatments. These target specific areas such as under eye areas and often contain hyaluronic acids that bring moisture to the area and immediately plump up the wrinkles.
Sunscreen. A must use in the summer months, consider a physical defense type that is waterproof and sweat proof but also use it all year around.
The very best system. My opinion is Skin medica use essential serum morning and evening this take scare of both the growth factor and the antioxidants. Second add retinol es for the retinal. Third component morning and evening add Lytera an all natural product to brighten skin through natural products and enhance antioxidant treatment. Finally, add a great sunscreen.
This is a no miss combination for brighter healthier softer skin. It’s affordable, feels great, and is a good value. Another great product backed by scientific studies of Allergan. The same company that brings us Botox cosmetic, of course all available at the skin care center!